Safety and Prevention
Educational Programming
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College provides information and educational programming regarding crime prevention, alcohol and drug issues, dating violence/sexual assault and sexual harassment, for all members of the College community. In addition, the College has a desire to intervene effectively or respond to any individual with a potential drug or alcohol problem. Consistent with the College mission, the College seeks to respond compassionately and with integrity through the following guidelines:
- Inform and educate members of the community about policies and available services;
- invite speakers to address various social issues including addictions and sexual violence;
- provide activities and support for increased personal awareness
Some of the programs offered annually to students, faculty and staff are listed below. Other programs regarding alcohol, drug use, sexual harassment, and smoking cessation will be offered upon request.
Addiction Awareness
Campus Life sponsors and coordinates a series of programs aimed at raising awareness of the dangers associated with drinking, illegal use of drugs, smoking and other addictive substances as well as the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle.
These programs such as Alcohol Awareness Week, Smoking Cessation, Stress Reduction are offered throughout the year and sponsored by various clubs, organizations, and SMWC initiatives such as Pomeroy Wellness.
Fire Prevention
The Campus Life Staff are trained in how to properly evacuate Le Fer Hall in the event of a fire. At the beginning of each semester, the resident assistants educate their residents on fire safety in a floor meeting. Students also volunteer to assist the resident assistants in the evacuation of their communities.
Campus Life offers a self-defense workshop in the spring and fall semester. The workshops are intended to provide participants with basic techniques in self-defense including various strikes, striking points and releases. An overview of potential threats that they should be looking for and the need for heightened awareness. It concluded with a reflection of statistics of assault specific to college campuses and college-aged people. Additional time for questions and discussion were allowed at the end.
Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence
Every undergraduate student in the campus program receives a brochure during orientation and registration that speaks about sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual violence. The brochure clearly defines sexual assault and gives several examples of what is considered “consent” and what is considered “coercion.” Other main topics of the brochure include what to do when you have been sexually assaulted and gives safety tips for dating smart, safety tips for partying smart, and how to respect sexual boundaries. The brochure provides resources for those that have been sexually assaulted, identifying the Title IX coordinator and confidential resources, and provides contact information for the police, local hospitals and various agencies that deal with abuse, pregnancy, crime and mental health.
All faculty and staff are required to complete an online workshop regarding Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault. This workshop covers situations that may occur between supervisors and direct reports, employee and employee, and faculty and students.