Drone, Hover Board, and Weapon Policy
Saint Mary of the Woods College and the Sisters of Providence prohibit the use of drones on College and Sisters of Providence property, unless the flight is specifically approved by the SMWC Vice President for Operations and the Director of Public Safety for the purpose research and economic development. In either case, the drone operator would have to show that they are in compliance with all FAA requirements, as well as in compliance with any federal or state laws that may pertain to drone flight.
Hover Boards
The use of hover boards on the campus of Saint Mary of the Woods College and the property of the Sisters of Providence is prohibited. The boards will not be permitted to be used or stored on either campus as a result of safety concerns for injury of the user as well as the fire safety concerns for the boards during charging.
Possession of any type of firearm on Saint Mary of the Woods College property and the property of the Sisters of Providence is strictly prohibited. The prohibition applies regardless of any permit to carry a firearm.
Possession of other weapons such as knives or other dangerous items or substances that are seen as potential weapons are also prohibited. The prohibition does not apply to law enforcement officers authorized to possess a firearm, either on or off duty. In rare cases, an exception to this policy may be granted for academic or research purposes. Such exception must be made by prior written authorization from the Director of Public Safety and the Vice President for Operations or Academic Affairs.
Any violations of this policy by members of the SMWC or Sisters of Providence community (employees, students, guests, or volunteers) will be dealt with in accordance with applicable College/Sisters policies and procedures, which may include disciplinary actions up to and including termination.